I've been noticing around the web, pretty Kichen Aid Mixers. Hmmm....how'd they do that? You can buy decals, specifically for your mixer! WOW! It does look very nice, but with the price tag, they are out of my budget.
With my ever creative mind I thought, "I could go to the Dollar Store and get some of their vinyl decals, but I want it now!" (like I generally do..instant gratification) I got all my stickers out, which is a vast collection, and found the perfect ones! So, I went to work placing them on my mixer where I thought they would look best, and wah lah! I love it! And just think of the possibilities, switching them out whenever you felt like it! (and with me, that might be often)
So, here's a picture of mine, followed by a link to get more ideas:
Off to the kitchen to use my prettied up mixer now!
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